Franklin, Tennessee Addiction Treatment
Franklin is a city and county seat of Williamson County, Tennessee. Franklin is part of the greater Nashville Metropolitan area.

Franklin Substance Use
Franklin is a city and county seat of Williamson County, Tennessee. Franklin is part of the greater Nashville Metropolitan area. As part of the Nashville area, Franklin has seen a marked increase in drug overdose deaths that is consistent with the addiction woes that Nashville—as well as surrounding towns and counties have been experiencing.
The need for addiction treatment in Franklin as well as in Tennessee in general has been exemplified by the number of drug overdoses the state has seen in the past year. The opioid epidemic in the United States is being fought through educational and legislative measures, as well as the efforts of healthcare professionals in abstaining from prescribing such drugs unless strictly necessary. However, that does not mean that certain states in particular, such as Tennessee, are not seeing high rates of addiction or drug overdoses.
A great deal of focus is placed on the opioid epidemic—rightly so, but we cannot lose focus on the scope of addiction, which includes alcohol addiction, or drug addiction in general. The CDC estimates that approximately 37 million adults in the United States binge drink about once a week. This translates to about 1 in 6 adults consuming about 7 drinks per binge.
Conducted by the CDC, the PSR (prevention status report) for Tennessee contains insightful data from 2014. According to the report, 10.6% of adults in Tennessee in 2014 reported binge drinking and 16.1% of high school students reported binge drinking.
The NSDUH Report by SAMHSA dives into the statistics of the greater Nashville metropolitan area which consists of Nashville, Davidson, Murfreesboro, and Franklin. This report estimates that an annual average of 218,000 persons aged 12 or older had used an illicit drug in the past year. This equates to about 18.1% of the MSA population and exceeds the national rate for the state of Tennessee.

Franklin TN Addiction Treatment Services
Southeast Addiction is passionate about providing the highest quality of addiction treatment by leveraging the experience of our carefully chosen staff, which has collectively decades of experience in the treatment of substance use disorders. Addiction treatment must be available to as many individuals as possible in order to curtail the opioid epidemic, as well as other substance use disorders such as alcohol addiction or drug addiction in general.
Southeast Addiction offers the following:

Individualized Treatment Plans
Addiction is a complex disease. Treating each individual with a case by case approach helps in finding unique treatment solutions that are tailored for each patient’s personal needs.
Addressing these mental health issues which are comprised of maladaptive coping mechanisms, negative thought patterns, and other unhelpful perspectives that keep a person trapped in a cycle of abuse. Eliminating or learning to moderate these thoughts and behaviors can make enormous changes in a person’s life.

Family Addiction Therapy
Family Addiction Therapy can be a tremendously helpful and healing experience. Addiction is not a disease that affects only the individual, it affects their family and ultimately, the community. Having a family member suffer from addiction can be a straining and difficult experience on the family bond. Well-intentioned family members may desire to help, but are unsure of productive ways to do so. Family addiction therapy is an important service we offer, especially for those living in suburbs such as Brentwood or Franklin where addiction is impacting many families.

Affordable Care
Southeast Addiction strives to make our addiction treatment as affordable as possible while maintaining the highest standards of quality for care as well as our facilities. Making treatment accessible is incredibly important to bringing care to those in need.
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If you or a loved one need help, we are available to guide you through every step of your recovery. Call us today and speak with a recovery counselor to get started.